Manchester leads the UK in antisemitic incidents
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09-21-2012, 04:04 PM
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Jan 2006
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In Manchester, Christians remained the single largest group (62.4%) and 71% of the White group described their religion as Christian (the England average was 75.9%). After Christianity, Islam was the most common faith with just over 9% (the England average was 3.1%). Only 1.6% of all Asians were Christian compared to 64% of all Blacks and 46.9% of all Mixed groups. 71.4% of Black Caribbeans were Christian compared to only 0.5% of Pakistani and Bangladeshi residents in Manchester. 15.3% of Chinese people were Buddhists, the highest percentage amongst all ethnic groups. 43% of Indians were Hindus compared to only 0.3% of all Mixed groups, 0.1% of all Blacks and 0.2% of all Chinese and other ethnic minority groups (EMG). Almost 1% of all White groups were Jewish and 2.8% of ‘other’ White were Jewish. 77.8% of all Asians in Manchester were Muslims compared to only 0.7% of Whites. Over 90% of Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, 15.3% of Indians, 33% of Black Africans, 14.2% of Mixed groups and 49% of ‘other’ EMGs were Muslims. By contrast, only 0.7% of all White groups and 11.2% of ‘other’ Whites were Muslim. 24.6% of Indians were Sikh and overall 4.3% of all Asians in Manchester were Sikh
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