Independent's Rosh Hashanna message to Jews: Goodbye Israel
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01-11-2011, 12:45 AM
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Independent's Rosh Hashanna message to Jews: Goodbye Israel
From news article:
While Britain’s Jews were last week preparing for Rosh Hashanah Mary Dejevsky, of
The Independent
newspaper, was thinking about
her article
Will Israel still exist in 2048?
, which was published on Friday, the second day of Rosh Hashanah.
She imagined every doomsday scenario possible which could mean that “Israel, as currently constituted, may not be a permanent feature of the international scene”.
She wished to give the impression of objectivity by telling us that “Israel should continue to exist” because it has “UN recognition”, “has survived more than 60 years in a distinctly hostile neighbourhood”, “has created a thriving economy” and “has a rich cultural life”.
The question for her is whether Israel “can and will survive”.
This sounds distinctly like PLO/Fatah and Hamas rhetoric. Both, like Dejevsky, recognise Israel’s existence as fact. But, neither recognise Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state.
And nowhere in her article does Dejevsky acknowledge Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state, which might explain her excitement at the possibilities of how Israel’s demise might come about.
Possibility 1:
Israel’s borders are too vast and too porous to defend and could be breached by Palestinian civilians from Syria or there could some sort of invasion from Egypt. The Palestinian Authority and Jordan may join in.
Possibility 2:
Islamists may come to power in the surrounding countries with the knock on consequences for Israel and the new Arab leaders “will have to be responsive to the wishes of their people”.
Possibility 3:
Israel’s suffers a societal split making it less unified and, therefore, less likely to successfully defend itself militarily. This split, she thinks, will be the result of “the Arab, Orthodox Jewish and second-generation Russian populations increasing much faster than other groups”.
She explains that the Holocaust could be “less of a unifying force” and that “the younger, more educated” of the population might leave Israel.
Dejevsky leaves Israel with just two outcomes; it becomes a fortress-like, isolated state protected by nuclear weapeons or “the so-called one-state solution” ensues.
She concludes with the idea that “Next Year in Jerusalem” could be reduced to “a noble ambition overtaken by cruel demographic and geopolitical reality”.
First, she should know that the Holocaust is not needed to unify Israelis. They are unified by their desire to go on living.
Second, none of the three groups she cites as catalysts for a possible societal split would prefer living under Arab rule, judging by the human rights violations ongoing in many of the world’s Arab and Muslim states. That applies to Palestinian Israelis too.
Third, Israel already has 200 nuclear weapons, so what will be the difference in 10 or 20 years time?
And, finally, Israel has a far superior fire-power and will win wars against any Islamist states.
Dejevsky could have written an article about the demise of any country by 2048. Who knows what could have happened to Britain, America or France by then?
And her article would have been a pleasure to read for those who really wish Israel harm, but for it to be published on Rosh Hashanah shows a lack of respect for Britain’s Jews that
The Indy
is becoming notorious for.
The Independent
hasn’t got a great deal of respect for Britain’s Jews, especially the more religious ones, is evident from
the piece
by Christina Patterson it published last year in which she tore apart Hasidic Jews living in Stamford Hill in a manner that she wouldn’t dare to do if she was on the receiving end of the same behaviour she attributed to them if they happened to be Blacks, Asians or Muslims living in a certain part of London.
The Independent
does have the pro-Israel Howard Jacobson writing for it. However, this only seems to allow other
commentators like Dejevsky, Patterson, Johann Hari and Yasmin Alibhai-Brown to be even more vitriolic about Israel as any complaints to OFCOM about bias can be countered by
The Indy
pointing to the presence of Jacobson in its pages.
While Israel lives on the same cannot be said for
The Independent
. With its ever plummeting sales figures who can say whether it will see 2018, let alone 2048.
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