Psychotic Norway being psychotic
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08-19-2011, 08:07 AM
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Nov 2008
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In fact, Israeli responses to Palestinian terrorism are "un-proportional" only in the sense that they are much more restrained than the could be and, in fact, should be. There is no doubt that the terrorosts have no restraints at all and will use every means at their disposal to murder Israelis. Should they get access to weapons of mass destruction, they will certainly use them. The Israelis on the other hand, respond only with a very tiny fraction of their might. Can anyone doubt what would happen if Israel decided to respond "proportionately", in the sense that it would use all the means at her disposal? The conflict would end very quickly.
The idea that Israel should adopt "numerical" proportionality at 1:1 ratio (one dead terrorist for each dead Israeli) would give the terrorists an easy victory. They are obviously happy to sacrifice many of their own to inflict a single Israeli casualty.
I have always believed and continue to believe that Israel should have the death sentence for deliberate murder of civilians, particularly children and carry it out. The laws of war have always sanctioned this. Israeli prisons are the incubators of Arab terrorists, who often commit murder, get released or exchanged and turn into more sophisticated and more dangerous terrorists. They should all have been executed after the first murder. That would represent honest proportionality.
There is no need to worry that this policy would "create martyrs", as the terrorists have already quite enough of these. Norway and most of the EU would disapprove but could do nothing about it and would have to accept it. In any case, unless Israel frees itself from this sort of pressure, there will never be peace.
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