Thread: The Rape Jihad
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Old 10-01-2008, 12:58 AM   #5

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Exactly, how do you criticize child rape while at the same time condoning the child raping mohammad and calling him a "perfect" man?
What is your source for saying she was raped? Aisha resembles a rape victim in no way. Rape is not a crime of passion, but a crime of hatred. What evidence do you have that the Prophet hated Aisha? Rape is a crime that puts shame upon the victim, both to the victim and in the way (sadly) the community treats the victim. Do you have any evidence of Aisha having been ashamed of her marriage or having been shamed within the community or within her family? Rape victims hate their attackers. Do you have any evidence that Aisha hated Muhammad (SAW) or that he hated her or that their marriage was anything other than happy? No parent would volunteer to have their daughter raped, yet to believe your version, Aisha's parents did precisely that. Do you have any evidence that her parents weren't OK with the marriage?

No you don't! So in order to maintain your story, you've got to willfully leave out huge sections of the story, that some scholars don't agree on her age at marriage, that the marriage happened with the consent of the parents and that Aisha spent the rest of her life and indeed the past 14 centuries known as a scholar and a highly respected person in the community. She spent the rest of her life adoring and lavishing praise upon her so-called attacker. You've got to run hoops to explain the contradiction, but there is a simple explanation to it all. SHE WASN'T RAPED, and Muslims do not think of Muhammad (SAW) as a rapist.
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