Drivers of Dhimmitude, Lovers of Londonistan: Britain’s Foreign Office
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01-15-2011, 11:45 PM
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Jun 2008
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Here, for example, is what the journalist Douglas Davis wrote following the ugly scenes in Londonistan (and elsewhere in Eurabia) during Operation Cast Lead:
‘At my dinner table on Friday night, a holocaust survivor admits that she is trying to persuade her son to take his family out of Europe to America, Canada, Australia, Canada, Australia, Israel...’They say they can’t leave me, but I tell them: “Go, get out. My parents left my grandparents behind in Berlin and brought me to safety in England. Now I want you to leave so that my grandchildren will be safe.”’ There is an unbearable desperation in her plea. But she has a point.
As tens of thousands of demonstrators march through the streets of Europe, the chants are modified but the message remains substantially intact: ‘Hamas, Hamas, Hamas – Jews to the Gas’. Or, more simply: ‘Death to the Jews’. Many European Jews, even well-established, affluent Jews, have been checking the suitcase they keep packed under the bed. They have been here before and many are (albeit reluctantly) reading the writing on the wall.
To some extent I thought I was inured. I grew up in postwar apartheid South Africa where a subtle undercurrent of anti-Semitism was a fact of everyday life. So while I was disturbed by manifestations of mob anti-Semitism, I was also less vulnerable to shock. That’s just how people are. Living in genteel, leafy Hampstead Garden Suburb provides an additional layer of protection from such crass outbursts.
But my sanguine state ends abruptly when I am out walking on Saturday. A hundred yards from my front door, I encounter the slogan, freshly painted in yellow, across the pavement: ‘Kill the Filthy Jews’. I am shocked. And shocked that I am shocked. The message is too close for comfort. The leafy gentility is, after all, an illusion.
Those who study these matters tell me that the current convulsion of anti-Semitism is the worst in a generation. They also say that there is a direct, causal link with the Israeli military operation against Hamas in Gaza. Once upon a time, anti-Israel protesters insisted they were motivated by political animus against Zionism rather than racial prejudice against Jews. The Hamas Charter, which sets out of the guiding principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement – xenophobic, racist and anti-Semitic – removes the distinction.’
See also
The FCO’s dogged determination to court the Muslim world at the expense of Israel can be seen not only in the extreme anti-Israel blog (courtesy of the official website of FCO) of British ambassador in Jordan James Watt (
) but in that of Dominic Asquith, Britain’s ambassador to Egypt.
He’s a great-grandson of a former British prime minister, Herbert Henry Asquith (later 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith), and, incidentally, a relative of Emma Clark, Lord Oxford’s great-granddaughter, who’s one of a number of notable white British converts to Islam trumpeted as trophies on Islamic websites (these converts include the son of John Birt, who was once Director-General of the BBC, and the Earl of Yarborough).
Mr Asquith is himself a Catholic, and has often addressed the need to understand Islam.
In October, he had this to say:
‘The world over, people empathised with the case of Sufiyatu Huseini in Nigeria, who faced the threat of stoning for adultery, just as many do now with Sakineh Ashtiani in Iran. Similarly with Abdallah Abu Rahma, a Palestinian blogger sentenced last week to one year in prison by an Israeli military court. British diplomats attended his case in court: as my government declared, “We are concerned that his continued detention is intended to prevent him and other Palestinians from exercising their legitimate right to non violent protest against the annexation of Palestinian land to Israel. Or Hossein Derakhshan, another blogger who was sentenced last month to 19 years in prison in Iran...’
Bit thick, isn’t it, lumping a democratic ally’s treatment of a blogger who poses a security threat in with the Ahmadinejad regime’s draconian punishments. (And, anyway, Asquith's blog is supposedly about his work in Egypt just as Watt's is supposedly about the latter's work in Jordan, not with dissing Israel. Imagine the outcry if, say, Britain's ambassador in Germany blogged gratuitous criticisms of Poland ...)
(Notice, incidentally, how that exact latter phrase, obviously from the Camel Corps’ Corpus of Controlled Quotations, turns up in the FCO’s statement of 13 January this year, which condemns the raising of Abu Rahma’s term to 16 months: “We are concerned by the Israeli military court’s decision to extend Abdallah Abu Rahma’s sentence on charges of incitement and organising and participating in demonstrations to 16 months. British Diplomats, including the Consul General Sir Vincent Fean, as well as diplomats from other EU Member states have continued to attend all hearings in Abu Rahma’s case... We remain concerned that his extended sentence is intended to prevent Abdallah and other Palestinians from exercising their right to non violent protest against the annexation of Palestinian land to Israel”.)
Asquith goes on:
“Humanity and tolerance will continue to lose their chance of being heard if their aim is just silent co-existence. In Germany, the latest concerns about immigration and suggestions that multiculturalism has failed underline the importance of what Bill Clinton said when he was in Cairo recently. He referred to the fear that many non-Muslims felt about Islam. That was a reality which we all needed to face and try and deal with.... What Muslims should feel rightly angry about, he went on, was the way in which that fear was expressed.”
And then, of course, there’s the question of what the dhimmi dame should wear on state visits to Muslim countries. Just look at the way Foreign Secretary William Hague’s wife Ffion was forced to dress on a visit to Abu Dhabi last year – turned from educated, independent woman (she’s an Oxford graduate and an author) into a sinful female body that must be completely hidden from view, all for the sake of some perceived diplomatic advantage. Surely a long-sleeved, high-necked western dress with a suitably modest hemline would have sufficed not to offend the hosts, rather than this bizarre affront to Ffion Hague’s dignity, and indeed an insult to all British women, especially since their protracted struggle for equal rights was won well within living memory. (I’m sure that greatest of Foreign Secretaries, Lord Palmerston – a philosemite, by the way – must be spinning in his grave, not necessarily on account of this insult to women, but owing to the self-imposed dhimmitude of those who “never never never shall be slaves”!)
Why, the FCO Camel Corp has even tried to dhimmify the Queen!
No prizes for guessing why there’s never been an official royal visit to Israel, by the way!
I shall be addressing that topic quite soon – so please stay tuned!
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