Make no mistake, the EU is working toward the destruction of Israel
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12-01-2011, 02:44 PM
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Make no mistake, the EU is working toward the destruction of Israel
This is as close to an official doctrine of antisemitic genocide as you are going to see.
A large group of former EU leaders and commissioners, including Javier Solana, sent a
letter to EU capitals
(included below) and the leaders of EU institutions on December 6th, 2010, urging the Union to take sanctions against Israel, according to Andrew Rettman in the EU
In this letter, the group recalls the adoption by the Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union on December 8, 2009 of a set of twelve "Council conclusions on the Middle East peace process", written in italics. The group asked EU foreign ministers at their meeting, scheduled on December 13, 2010, to take concrete measures to implement the December 2009 conclusions as "Europe cannot afford that the application of these policy principles be neglected and delayed yet again."
The letter recalls the Council's conclusion 2:
The European Union will not recognise any changes to the pre-1967 borders including with regard to Jerusalem, other than those agreed by the parties. The Council reiterates the EU's readiness to contribute substantially to post-conflict arrangements, aimed at ensuring the sustainability of peace agreements, and will continue the work undertaken on EU contributions on state-building, regional issues, refugees, security and Jerusalem. The Council underlines the need for a reinvigorated Quartet engagement and notes the crucial importance of an active Arab contribution building on the Arab Peace Initiative.
Commenting on this decision, the signatories condemn Israel and wrote:"In response to these measures [of the Council], we recommend that the EU reiterate its position that it will not recognize any changes to the June 1967 boundaries, and clarify that a Palestinian state should be in sovereign control over territory equivalent to 100% of the territory occupied in 1967, including its capital in East Jerusalem. Only minor and reciprocal amendments as may be agreed between the parties themselves could legitimately be recognised."They reproduced the third conclusion of the Council which states:
The EU stands ready to further develop its bilateral relations with the Palestinian Authority reflecting shared interests, including in the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy. Recalling the Berlin declaration, the Council also reiterates its support for negotiations leading to Palestinian statehood, all efforts and steps to that end and its readiness, when appropriate, to recognise a Palestinian state. It will continue to assist Palestinian state-building, including through its CSDP missions and within the Quartet. The EU fully supports the implementation of the Palestinian Authority's Government Plan "Palestine, Ending the Occupation, Establishing the State" as an important contribution to this end and will work for enhanced international support for this plan.
The signatories then underline "the impressive progress" made by the Palestinian Authority toward the development of the infrastructure of the Palestinian state and add:"EU support and assistance has been vital to this success. To date, the EU and member states have invested some EUR 8 billion in the peace process, primarily in the form of assistance to the Palestinian Authority, Palestinian institutions, and the development of infrastructure in the OPT. By continuing to be the primary donor to this work, the EU underlines the vital European interest in the establishment of a Palestinian state and the implementation of a two-state solution." (§ 3)Regarding what the EU calls OPT (occupied Palestinian territories) – that is Jewish villages and towns in Judea and Samaria – the letter strongly emphasizes that: "The EU has stated unequivocally for decades that the settlements in the OPT are illegal, but Israel continues to build them. Like any other state, Israel should be held accountable for its actions. It is the credibility of the EU that is at stake."(§ 4 and 5)
Like the European Parliamentary Association for Euro-Arab Cooperation created in 1975 for OIC advocacy, the signatories strongly advice boycott and retaliations measures against Israel while lamenting that Israel's disobedience "undermines the EU and its credibility in upholding international law. (§ 6) Such reference to "international law" is laughable in such a context. Which Middle East and African countries abide by international law? Does shari'a rules conforms to 'international law'?
The 8th conclusion of the Council states its deep concern on East Jerusalem which it has never recognized as a Jewish capital, nor even as a city and which should become for the first time in history a Arab Palestinian capital. The ninth conclusion deplores the closure of the Gaza Strip, deemed "unacceptable and counterproductive" but never mentions the Gaza terrorists attacks on Israel nor the 1989 Hamas genocidal charter. The signatories suggest that the EU could promote a process of Palestinian nation-building (§ 10) apparently blind to the contradiction between there Palestinian policy and their engagement in the deconstruction of the European nations.
After mentioning the 12 conclusion on the Council, the authors of the letter finish on a note whose cynicism and aversion toward Israel can hardly be equaled:In conclusion, our Group wishes to point out that EU investment in building the foundations for a two state solution over the past two decades was very substantial, not least in terms of EU tax-payers' money. The EU should take what measures it can to justify this investment and act in Europe's genuine interest, but if no political progress is made, further expenditure − apart from that on humanitarian purposes − would be nugatory. In these circumstances Israel should be required to shoulder its obligations as the occupying power. But wider issues matter more than wasted expenditure. At stake are not only EU relations with the parties directly involved in the conflict but also with the wider Arab community, with which the EU enjoys positive diplomatic and trade relations.In other words Israel, guilty for existing, must bear the cost paid by the EU in a policy aimed at its demise and ignored by most Europeans. This is called the "peace process" which is "working towards justice and peace".
At a time when the Middle East is sinking into chaos and the Christians in Muslim countries are hounded, these leaders are obsessed with harming Israel like the Nazis leaders filling up the death-trains when their empire collapsed. Have ever these leaders showed such determination in protecting persecuted Christians in Muslim countries?
The signatories of this letter whom can be considered the founders of the Eurabian and Palestinization of the EU policy based on "positive diplomatic and trade relations" with the wider Arab community are:
Former Vice-President of the European Commission
Chris Patten
(co-chair), Former Foreign Minister
Hubert Védrine
(co-chair), Former Prime Minister
Andreas van Agt
, Former Finance Minister and former Vice-President of the European Commission
Frans Andriessen
, Former Prime Minister
Guiliano Amato
, Former Minister and Former Vice-Prime Minister
Laurens Jan Brinkhorst
, Former Foreign Minister and former EU Commissioner
Hans van den Broek
, Former Foreign Minister
Hervé De Charrette
, Former Foreign Minister
Roland Dumas
, Former European Commissioner
Benita Ferrero-Waldner
, Former Prime Minister
Felipe Gonzales
, Former Foreign Minister
Teresa Patricio Gouveia
, Former Deputy Prime Minister
Lena Hjelm-Wallén
, Former Prime Minister
Lionel Jospin
, Former Minister and Senator
Jean Francois-Poncet
, Former President of the EU Commission and former Prime Minister
Romano Prodi
, Former President
Mary Robinson
, Chairman Swedish Social Democratic Party
Mona Sahlin
, Former Chancellor
Helmut Schmidt
, Former Minister and Member of Parliament
Clare Short
, Former High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy
Javier Solana
, Former Prime Minister
Thorvald Stoltenberg
, Former Director-General of the WTO
Peter D. Sutherland
, Former Foreign Minister
Erkki Tuomioja
, Former President
Vaira Vike-Freiberga
, Former President
Richard von Weizsäcker
[1] Andrew Rettman, "Former EU leaders challenge Ashton on Israel",
, December 10, 2010.
Letter to the President of the European Council
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