Make no mistake, the EU is working toward the destruction of Israel
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12-01-2011, 02:50 PM
Join Date
Apr 2006
Senior Member
By Hadar Sela
A recent document drawn up by the
EU Heads of Mission in Jerusalem and Ramallah
raises some worrying issues, not least the proposal for organised boycotts. Readers will doubtless notice the report’s reliance upon information gleaned from politically motivated NGOs such as
, which set the tone for the cavalier repetition of numerous untruths such as;
“Successive Israeli governments have pursued a policy of transferringJewish population into the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention and international humanitarian law.†(my emphasis)
It is also blatantly apparent that despite the fact that the status of Jerusalem is supposed to be the subject of long-awaited negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, the EU Heads of mission seem intent upon creating their own ‘facts on the ground’, together with a flawed narrative which seeks to over-ride any negotiation process.
However, the report’s ‘action plan’ is possibly its most disturbing aspect in that it includes outright initiatives for boycott of Israeli businesses and institutions as well as specific calls for intervention in the affairs of the host state. A. East Jerusalem as the future Palestinian capital
1) In conformity with the objectives of the StrategicMulti-sector Development Plan for East Jerusalem, promote a coordinated approach and a coherentPalestinian strategy towards East Jerusalem.
2) Promote the establishment of a PLO focal point/representative in East Jerusalem.
3) National Europe Day events held in East Jerusalem (when suitable at Palestinian institutions)
4) EU missions with offices or residences in East Jerusalem to regularly host Palestinian officials with senior EU visitors.
5)Avoid having Israeli security and/or protocolaccompanying high rankingofficials from Member Stateswhen visiting the Old City/EastJerusalem.
6) Prevent/discouragefinancial transactions from EU MS actors supporting settlement activity in East Jerusalem, by adopting appropriate EU legislation.
7) Compile non-binding guidelines for EU tour operators to prevent support for settlement business in East Jerusalem (e.g. hotels, bus operators, archaeological sites controlled by pro-settler organisations etc).
8) Ensure that the EU-Israel Association Agreement is not used to allow the export to the EU of products manufactured in settlements in East Jerusalem.
9) Raise public awareness about settlement products, for instance by providing guidance on origin labelling for settlement products to major EU retailers.
10) Inform EU citizens of financial risks involved in purchasing property in occupied East Jerusalem.
E. Strengthen the role of the European Union
1) Enhance local coordination between Quartet actors for input into policy making and decisions.
2) Ensure EU presence when there is a risk of demolitions or evictions of Palestinian families.
3) Ensure EU presence at Israeli courts cases on house demolitions or evictions of Palestinian families.
4) Ensure EU intervention when Palestinians are arrested or intimidated by Israeli authorities for peaceful cultural, social or political activities in East Jerusalem.
5) Operationalise the EU policy on bringing high level visitors to sensitive sites (e.g. separation barrier etc). - on logistics for high level visitors (e.g choice of hotel, change of transport East/West) - on contacts with the Jerusalem Mayor and on refraining from meeting Israeli officials in their East Jerusalem offices (e.g. in the Israeli Ministry of Justice etc) - on information sharing on violent settlers in East Jerusalem to assess whether to grant entry into the EU.The ‘code of conduct’ for Consulate missions is laid out in the
1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations
, and that of Diplomatic missions in the
1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Missions
. Both conventions include the following clause – the former as Article 55 and the latter as Article 41. Without prejudice to their privileges and immunities, it is the duty of all persons enjoying such privileges and immunities to respect the laws and regulations of the receiving State. They also have a duty not to interfere in the internal affairs of the State.(my emphasis)Whilst it is the case that the consulates currently located in Jerusalem do not regard themselves as missions to Israel, but to Jerusalem, nevertheless it is Israeli law which presides in that city and such blatant intervention in Israeli affairs as proposed in the EU Mission document would appear to fly in the face of diplomatic convention. As for diplomatic or consular missions actively promoting a boycott against their host country, well apparently no one had even dreamed of that possibility when the Vienna Conventions were drawn up.
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