I have reached my breaking point, no more talk, negotiations thru the pacifistic europeans, no more BS. It is time to send in the army to remove this dreadful, awful regime of sc-mbag criminals and give democracy a chance in the middle east. All the jihadist, brainwashed theocratic dogs that actually believe in living under this type of regime can have a small section of the country carved out where they can live like the backwards animals they are and the rest of the world can live without having to worry that iran has given an atomic bomb to hezbollah to use in a western city. This regime is the world's NUMBER ONE problem - and it must be dealt with RIGHT NOW - before they reach "n korean nuclear status" and can no longer be threatened with a military option against them. Bush must act now, and unlike the iraq war, which i was on the fence about, any leftwing trash that even THINKS of arguing/protesting against a war to remove the dictatorship had better HEAVILY arm themselves. Iraq was a gray area - this is not.