Man would rather be jailed than support the BBC
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02-26-2010, 03:36 PM
Paul Bunyan
Join Date
Jul 2007
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Man would rather be jailed than support the BBC
You have to admire Jeremy Flashman. According to the
Jewish Chronicle
, the 45-year-old father of three would rather go to prison than pay the mandatory
TV license fee
. Why? The telecoms engineer, from Woodford Green in Essex, has become so angered by the BBC and the way it reports Israel that he has refused to pay his television licence.
So when an enforcement officer arrived at his door, Mr Flashman did not hesitate: "I told him I have a television, and I admitted watching it without a licence. He said I would receive a summons within 21 days.
"I will never pay them another penny. This is my protest against the BBC and the way it goes about reporting what happens in Israel. It's because I'm Jewish and Israel is at the heart of being Jewish."
Mr Flashman claimed that the BBC was breaking its own charter by allowing what he claimed were biased reports to be broadcast.It's easy to understand Flashman's anger. The Beeb
spent £200,000 of public money
to cover up the Balen report on publicly-funded anti-Israel bias. Flashman's license fee revolt will be worth watching.
Paul Bunyan
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