I would appreciate some sort of link to that so I know what I'm responding to. But moreover, I'd like to remind you that anti-semitism isn't a Muslim sickness and it certainly is not a requirement of Islam (those requirements being the five pillars), it manifests itself in similar ways across religions and ideologies. Hence we find Muslims reading Mein Kampf and the Protocols, European manifestations of that illness. Only when governments partake of it, as has been the case with some governments, does it spiral out of control. However, in this case, the international condemnation is beginning to take its toll. If we can't rid the world of Nazis, then ridding the world of anti-semites will also be impossible. The best to hope for is to drive them out of power and to show them up for their fallacies of thought. That will require effort and eternal vigilance. That is an effort that Muslims can participate in along with everyone else.