Dhimmi Netherlands starts to segregate sexes
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02-28-2009, 02:22 PM
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Jan 2006
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Why is there such an emphasis on segretation? Why is there such an emphasis placed on women covering up every inch of themselves save their eyes?
Is it because they are expected to take on the responsibility for men's, erm..wishful thinking?
The reason I ask is that it reminds me a little of when Peter Sutcliffe, the 'Yorkshire Ripper', was hammering women over the head here in the UK.
I forget what his exact tally was when the police began considering a safety curfew.....on women!
Why? It was pretty much established that the Ripper was a man. So why not a curfew on men?
If men can't control themselves at the sight of a female face, they need to take cold showers, or whatever else it might be that cools their ardour. Why should women have to assume responsibility?
I'll dismantle my portable soapbox now
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