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Old 09-08-2012, 02:30 AM   #26

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It's an interesting read, for sure.

I can't help observing that we take literacy for granted as a kind of blanket term.

I was one of the lucky ones for whom it came easily; of the five in my family two struggled a bit and would struggle even more today, but the ways they found into work that didn't require lots of reading when they began stood them in good stead once established as good workers.

They'd not stand a chance today.

also those who were even poorer at reading (ie the "failures" in this kind of study) were the ones who left school very early and got what were still regarded as good jobs in teh community that did not require them to be able to read.

IF they did their jobs well they were highly regarded.
Today they'd be forced to stay in school.

They and their teachers* pay a huge price for these changes and I salute them for even trying now.

* (and the schools that work so hard to try to be relevant for them ... not all do, and many won't entertain the idea of keeping them)
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