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Old 08-04-2012, 02:44 PM   #24

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Hardly 100% right!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>

Is that right?
Perhaps you may like to give us the history as it did happen then.

I also disagree with your bit thus...
"" The asronomer Karl Schwarzschild first discovered what we now call a black hole
as a mathematical solution to Einstein’s gravitational field equation (while
he was serving in the German army"

All Schwarzchild did was reveal one of many solutions to Einsteins GR equations...just as Kerr and others did,.
Cygnus X-1 was the first observational evidence that gravitationally Completely Collapsed objects [hereafter known as BH's could really take place.
From memory Oppenheimer and others were the first to really undertake proper research into the phenomena, but that was put aside temporarilly with the advent of the "Manhatten Project"

Again with all due respect my question concerns SR and its acceptance by the scientific community without experimental and/or Observational evidence...other then the M/M experiment.
teodaschwartia is offline


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