--I sometimes read Shinzen Young's books and listen to his dharma talks. He casually mentions people he knows who are "totally enlightened." I can't help wondering, first, "How does he know?" and, second, "What does that mean, exactly?"
--My friend Danny thinks that he has a good chance at enlightenment in this lifetime if he studies and meditates assiduously. (He hasn't said whether he's aiming for relative enlightenment or ultimate enlightenment.) I ask myself, "Is this a realistic hope for Danny?" "Is it a realistic hope for me?"
--On a couple of occasions I have been in the presence of teachers who were enlightened, according to their students or followers. The followers told me I was very lucky to have the opportunity just to be in the presence of such a teacher. I felt uncomfortable and perplexed. What to think? What to believe? On both of these occasions, I did not feel any particular reverence for the teacher (no hostility either). Just mildly curious. Should I try to be more receptive to this teacher's wonderfulness?
(I ask about "enlightened," not "awakened," because this is the language they use. I agree that "awakened" is the preferable term.)
To tell you the truth, I'm not always 100% satisfied with the sutras. Lots of good stuff there, of course, but some I just can't bring myself to believe. That's why I study philosophy and psychology, and so on.