Reincarnation possibility
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07-12-2012, 11:39 AM
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Oct 2005
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Posted by Element
I have my doubts about the sentiment expressed above.
in my reading, the core Buddhist sutras are about a mind free from 'self' belief. I think if the mind can be placed in the state free from self-belief or self-conception then the notion of reincarnation can be examined from that perspective.
as for benefiting from the idea of reincarnation, can you kindly list the benefits you perceive come from holding such an idea? Posted by Deshy
What are the special benefits of believing in reincarnation that you cannot get by not believing in reincarnation? Pali Sources, Anguttara-Nikaya III.35
Did you ever see in the world a man or a woman, eighty, ninety, or a hundred years old, frail, crooked as a gableroof, bent down supported on staff, with tottering steps, infirm, youth long since fled, with broken teeth, grey and scanty hair, or bald-headed, wrinkled, with blotch limbs?
And the thought never occur to you, that you also are subject to decay, that you cannot escape it? Although one who does not see rebirth/reincarnation cannot escape old age in the coming round, but through death they have escape old age.
For those who see rebirth/reincarnation they cannot escape old age at all because they will go through old age lives after lives infinitely, until they fully understand the teachings of emptiness, selflessness, nirvana.
Can the one who does not see rebirth/reincarnation gain benefit from learning the Tathagatha’s teachings of selflessness?
They may or may not gain benefit from learning Tathagatha’s teachings of selflessness.
The one who does not see rebirth/reincarnation may gain benefit from learning the Tathagatha’s teachings of selflessness depending on the point of view of what Tathagatha’s teachings of selflessness is to them.
The one who does not see rebirth/reincarnation may not gain benefit from the Tathagatha’s teachings of selflessness because it is irrelevant to them because through death there will be no more self.
But, the one who see rebirth/reincarnation gain benefit from learning the Tathagatha’s teachings of selflessness because it is something they have to seek and strive for to end their endless cycle of life and death and sufferings.
And what must they practice to fully understand selflessness?
They must first practice patients.
Sanskrit sources; Kshanti Paramita from the Diamond Sutra (14B)
Besides, Subhuti, I recall that during my five hundred previous lives, I had used life after life to practice patience and to look upon my life humbly as though it was some saintly being called upon to suffer humility. Can the one who does not see rebirth/reincarnation gain benefit from learning about suffering by Buddha’s comment about him recalling his past lives?
No, they cannot gain benefit from learning about suffering by Buddha’s comment about him recalling his past lives because the idea of past lives is irrelevant to them therefore they may either dismiss this, ignore this, or maybe even call this sutra fake.
But, the one who see rebirth/reincarnation gain benefit from learning about suffering by Buddha’s comment about him recalling his past lives because this thought may occur to them,” I too should use life after life to practice patience and to look upon my life humbly as though it was some saintly being called upon to suffer humility.”
But as far as benefits one cannot say one has more special benefits than others and why?
Just because one believe in reincarnation/rebirth does not mean they learn more or less than the one that does not believe in rebirth/reincarnation, and why, because we all want to learn how to either gain a more peaceful and happier life or to learn the truth about life.
When this individual is satisfied in gaining the amount of peace and happiness from learning, then he/she has learned to the fullest.
As long as they gain the full benefit from learning the things they need or want to learn, then one cannot say they earn more or less special benefits than others.
When I say one may benefit from all the sutras I do not mean one benefits more or less than others because benefits does not comes from the amount of books you read, but from what you desire to accomplish in this life.
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