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Old 06-27-2012, 11:14 AM   #10

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Oct 2005
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Good Afternoon all!

I'm interested, me, being an atheist, would like to know how many Buddhist actually believe in a higher deity or god. I know there is nothing in the Buddha's teaching to say there is a god, but, correct me if I'm wrong, there is also nothing to say there isn't a god.

What do you think? I'd love to hear your views and beliefs!
Just my opinion, FWIW. Not much.

I think Buddhists are sometimes inconsistent on this topic. One one hand, Buddhism is often described by Buddhists as a system of philosophy more than a religion, and Buddha is often described as a human teacher, not a god.

On the other hand, most Buddhists believe that Buddha had knowledge and understanding so vast that it seems omniscient, or nearly so. Gods are omniscient, merely human teachers are not. Many Buddhists believe that Buddha's understanding and his recorded scriptures are infallible, or nearly so. Gods are infallible, mere human beings are not.

In scripture, Buddha describes his vivid recollection of his many past lives. In previous lives, he claims, he was the ruler of heaven-worlds or hell-worlds, more or less a demon or a god.

I've heard some Buddhists argue that mere humans could have the Buddha's kind of omniscience and infallibility. Perhaps so, though, personally, I remain skeptical.

As far as I can tell, some modern Western Buddhists accept these claims, some are skeptical, and some seem to avoid the topic, probably because they don't want to get into pointless debates with fellow Buddhists.


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