Rebirth (Influence, Elements), or Rebirth (Consciousness Transference)?
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05-30-2012, 04:46 AM
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Nov 2005
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Rebirth (Influence, Elements), or Rebirth (Consciousness Transference)?
I wanted to know everyones opinion on this. From what I understand, and I very well could be wrong. There are two big viewpoints on Rebirth. There was no Reincarnation in Buddhism, from what I understand, but then again, there are many schools and opinions. So to those out there, which is the one you personally feel is correct, and why?
Rebirth (Influence, Elements): This means that the only thing, in the opinion of the person, to be reborn, is our influence onto the world that we leave, in what we do and say. And the Elements that we are made up of, which continue to exist even after the decay of our bodies.
Rebirth (Concsiousness Transference): This means that your conciousness, or personality, your Karma, is transferred to another being, until the ending of Samsara by that conciousness. A prime example of this type would be the Dalai Lama, and his continued rebirth/reincarnation?
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