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Old 05-30-2012, 07:52 AM   #34

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And gotchya Esho. I understand much better now.
Ups... sorry, I deleted the post because I thought I was not being clear enough.

More less it was like this musicizgod,

First case:

Rebirth (Influence, Elements): This means that the only thing, in the opinion of the person, to be reborn, is our influence onto the world that we leave, in what we do and say. And the Elements that we are made up of, which continue to exist even after the decay of our bodies.
The influence of a person in the world is not consiousness but social construction of historical events. The social influence of an important person is only possible in accordance with the social agreement of what has to be remembered or what is possible to be remembered but is not about the consciousness of that person.

Second case:

Rebirth (Concsiousness Transference): This means that your conciousness, or personality, your Karma, is transferred to another being, until the ending of Samsara by that conciousness. A prime example of this type would be the Dalai Lama, and his continued rebirth/reincarnation? For consiousness to exist it is needed its object of consiousness. Once this object of consiousness fades, consiousness fades too. We can verify that in our daily life.

If the object is remembered by mind it is just that: a mental fabrication held by the mind as an idea of what was the object of consiousness. In neuroscience this is a property of brain function.

Then I commented the case of the flame which is very popular when the rebirth issue appears, but for me it makes no case because it doesn't really explains anything.

The case of the flame is just about the rise of temperature that provokes the other flame to "appear". If you keep at a distance both candles the one will never light the other. At the end, litteral rebirth is in the realm of believe.
IRYzouNv is offline


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