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Old 06-05-2012, 11:20 PM   #1

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Default Dealing with Negative environments.
Dealing with Negative environments.

This is a huge subject, and entails the whole of life, one's beliefs, one's view.
We do live in a negative environment...of our minds! Saying 'we' means all of us: this is quite a shock when you consider it! This planet is lovely, but it is inhabited by sentient beings who cling to ideas about themselves and everyone else.
This clinging is a not-knowing of our true nature, and could be called negative.
Resting in our true nature would then be seen as positive, but we do not notice this nature and so we live in a negative world! Oh, we can put on a brave face, and make things seem better, but these are only temporary fixes.

It's starting to sound scary, isn't it? Well, it needn't!

First we have to look at a touchy area...our beliefs. Now comes a really touchy area: what we believe may only be a partial system that is incomplete. Everyone's journey is different, but step by step we progress...get stuck...get emotional...resolve...progress...

So we go through stages of dissatisfaction...satisfaction...dissatisfaction.. .rough...smooth...

The individual temperament will dictate how fast we go through all this. If we adopt a system that is incomplete, there will be gaps in how to deal with everything.

If we say, “Well I'm self taught,” that is not altogether true, unless we have been in an isolated cave all our lives without contact with anyone! If we have senses and a mind, and have had contact with others, we will have been influenced. But this information may be incomplete, and as a result of that, any trauma that occurs will overtake us.

At this point, we come back to the subtle information body where feelings are stored. We can start to see how our lives are controlled by mistaken information – and this is maintained by everyone else around us. This situation is not helped by the corporate world!

We are bombarded by advertising about living the perfect dream, so naturally we will feel dissatisfied because life is just not like that. But somewhere, deep inside our minds, we think it should be. As a result of this constant disappointment, many people become more negative than normal. If one listens to (or reads) some people's patterning, it will all sound negative: they can't help having a go!

The type of negativity that arise most commonly in me is perceiving a pointlessness in everything.
I go...“What's the point?!”
This brings us back to the value of having a complete system. It's not so much dealing with other people's emotions - it's dealing with our own emotions and reactions: all systems offer plenty of antidotes to counteract our negative emotions (the only way to counteract someone else's negative emotions is to give them space, by not reacting).

The simplest answer IS love - un-conditional love. Now that is a tall order!
We begin with love for ourselves.
Not with criticism or blame or guilt or fear of our reactions. None of these are us.
Most of the time we fear our own reactions, and so we set up a barrier of defence around ourselves. We expect ourselves to be better. We want to be better at all sorts of things, but life is pretty short, so it is easy to feel a failure isn't it?

Much of the information in our heads is put there, and has nothing to do with our true being. We have to discern what is useful and what is not. The point of meditation is to separate ourself from those thoughts. Once that has been done, we are in awareness. This awareness looks in o itself and finds...nothing - pure awareness. It is empty and has a knowing quality...Pure Essence.

OK, so now we come to the good bit!
Pure Essence is a dry awareness.
Its expression is the juice...Pure Love. A Pure Heart!

Because we are not enlightened, emotions will still arise, even though we have had a glimpse of this Essence Love. This is because our awareness of essence has dimmed or gone unnoticed, and we are attached again to the feeling of “I”, and our mental image of self.

Once we have this glimpse of Essence, any emotion that arises is seem as a temporary event of an “I” identification and has absolutely no reality. The emotions are now the teacher, showing us that we have moved away from Essence.

Knowing Essence is very simple, and will be recognised through practice or through having it pointed out at the right time. It is slightly different from
just being aware. It doesn't matter if one isn't totally certain about Essence. It is just there.
Without it, we would not exist, but equally, we cannot say it exists.
I once saw a child fall over, and my impulse was to rush over to help...that was Essence Love.
However, the thought came in, “It's not my child, so I shouldn't interfere,” and I noticed that everyone else reacted the same way. I'd moved from essence to “I”.

That is the negative environment.

Even though there maybe things going on in the world, these are merely temporary external events. We shouldn't believe everything we read on forums like this!
We have to be aware of fear mongering and false promises of hope with the calvary coming.
These are subjects for comics...and they are both causes and products of a negative environment.

This negative environment is our teacher, if we can see it as such. It never truly existed in the first place: it may feel real, but it is not true.
If we can't see it as our teacher, we can just be kind to ourself, as this all takes time to digest.

Genuine Love is like a's catching!

One very last thing, we all want to make things better, to right all wrongs, to have peace in the family. It's not necessarily going to happen, in this incarnation. People need time and space, and there is a lot of time and a lot of space. In their own time they will come round to where they want to go, all we can do is not leave obstacles in the way.

Kind regards,
GlictStiply is offline


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