Dealing with Negative environments.
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06-12-2012, 04:41 PM
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Oct 2005
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An illustration of the outer teacher, inner teacher and the emotions working together.
This is probably the most difficult article I have ever written, because it entails many elements. It will show how nothing is perfect, and, everything is perfect.
I write on several forums ( just experimenting) and quite often an individual will come up, who holds a very strong view. This one was about there is no need for a teacher, path or practice.
A common theme from the new age sector, and they have every right to their view.
This is not about them, but my reaction. I'd like to know if others have experienced something similar.
There had been a long discussion spanning a few weeks, and it was a little frustrating, because there was no discussion, just repetition of set phrases. After the last session, I just blew my top! I felt totally useless, and it all seemed pointless. I just could not work out what had gone wrong, as I felt that I couldn't help anyone.
During meditation this morning, this was my overall feeling, and it seemed to get worse and worse. In fact I noticed that it was speeding up (or out of control!) Suddenly the word 'speed' rang out! Now this may get complicated, but I'll try to keep sane!
The word 'speed' had a great significance. This is to do with the subtle body, it's where our residue of feelings are held. I wouldn't have known this unless my teacher had explained it to me. What happens is that an external event occurs and because of past experiences the inner wind rises and one might feel anxious or anger or fear or some sort of tension in the body.
So because of the weeks of frustration, a reaction had occurred in my subtle body, this was aversion, which in this case was subtle fear. Fear of not being able to deal with the situation, so fear of my own mind!
This emotion was very bright and clear, it had an energy in it. If one knows the nature of emotions then they can either stay demonic or seen as wisdom. I know this because my teacher explained it to me. In Tibetan buddhism there is a diagram of the 'wheel of life', part of it has the twelve links of cyclic life, each depending on the other for our habitual patterning to take place.
At number seven is a fellow with an arrow in his eye, this represents 'contact'. It is the moment when past karma ripens, and if we just react, we merely continue in our habit, making a deeper and deeper groove! However if we are able to not 'react', to find a gap in our reactions, we experience the freedom of space, and no karma is produced. I know this because my teacher explained it to me.
So, our inner teacher is Essence. This was introduced to me by my own practice, and verified by my teacher. Having realised my true Essence ( a baby realisation!) I was able to see that the whole of phenomena was now my teacher, ie karmically produced situations. Which on every occasion is an opportunity to negate karmic effects, instead of acting in a repeated pattern.
To keep this short, the outcome of all this is...noticing! It is not a eureka moment, it is a gradual understanding. The same things will arise in the future, but will be recognise or noted more easily.
This is part of the process, if one chooses to work that way.
There are two parts to our enlightened journey, one is realising our true Essence.
The other is exhausting our reactions (karma).
Sometimes we hear the phrase, “It resonates with me”.We have to be sure what this is. This could either be a true connection with our inner teacher, or just familiar feelings in this subtle body.
It has to be noted that our emotional reactions can drive us into a 'rage of righteousness' which we may find we enjoy...for the moment! This is up to you if this is the way you want to live. But it does not solve the problem, it creates the next one!
So one can see how nothing is perfect, because obstacles always arise. But everything can be seen as perfect as it all fits together, therefore can be taken apart! What notices all this, it's our knowing quality, our nature is to Know.
Whatever method works for you, works. If it does work, use it. The outcome will be loving kindness, and that is exactly what the world needs now, as long as we know what is going on, in our minds!
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