Should a student listen to the Masters advice at all times!
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06-13-2012, 05:14 AM
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Nov 2005
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Not really. I understand what you are saying. But then again, anyone who deeply looks at something, from all views, seeing it for what it really is, they can make very educated guesses as to what might happen. Like a high ranking General in a military organisation would, after having read the histories of many battles and wars, the techniques and strategies used, after having experienced battle on many different grounds and against many different enemies/weapons. That General can go into a battle with a good 'premonition' as to how well the war will fare.
For example, this mans premonition of her suffering a bad disease in the next couple of years. Science and logic shows that the only way this would happen, would be the result of her environment and lifestyle, her genetics and biology, not her 'just being with a man', unless he has aides, HIV, Herpes, anything contagious, etc. She would not suffer the disease simply for staying in a relationship.
Premonitions suggest 'Pre-Destination' in themselves, when that is utterly illogical and impossible, because as Buddhists, we believe in Karma, cause and effect, and the environment/surroundings/society is the effect from many, many, many different causes, brought on by many, many, many different people, animals, insects, weather influences, etc, etc. That is the only way a person can truly make a premonition of sorts, one that 'will' happen no matter what, is by taking a look at the many causes being created in a particular situation every day, and 'tracing ahead of time' where the effects might lead.
From what it sounds like from the OP, the Master and him do not even know eachother, so that Master cannot make any educated guesses at all as to what will happen, because he does not know the
'other half' of the equation
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