Thread: Do Not Kill?
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Old 06-01-2012, 10:16 AM   #37

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To me, having done comparative religious studies for a number of years now and meditating also, have allowed me to perceived this:

Killing vs. Murder is not the same idea.


In the animal kingdom, animals who operate on instinct not intellect, attack and eat different species or even one another.
If we are strict vegetarians, We must kill tofu to eat it and we must kill life in water to drink water.
If we are meat eaters, Consider the mental state of the meat eater and consider the mental state of the animal at it's time of death, which is usually violent.

Meat consumption is NOW not a necessity any more as alternate forms of food exist which provide the nutrition of meat.
I do not condemn people who eat meat as they might be ignorant about this or their particular religion o.k.'s this practice.
I myself stopped eating meat for a number of years and recently started eating meat due to the fact that other people's beliefs aren't mine and if I was invited to go to their home for lunch/dinner, I would cater to them. I however do wish to remain a vegetarian.

Whether a person is a Christian, Muslim, Jew, "Hindu" (I hate that term!), Buddhist, Jain, occult practitioner, etc. THESE are the salient points.

Murder on the other hand deals with human on human morals & ethics sir.

For example, I murder you because I have hatred about you or the concept of "you" that I have.
Nationalism, political party affiliation, selfish ambition and religion play a part in causing war and the galvanizing of the mind towards attacking another person.

When politics in a nation or between nations become muddied and/or religion comes in, murder ensues and people call this "our struggle", the "righteous cause", our "patriotic duty," etc.

As the Bible, the Buddha and others have stated: This is a cause & effect world and WE have made it what it is.
Do we as sensitive and mindful people understand this salient point also?

Clarity on whether something is killing or murder is necessary as this world is simply rampant with this type of vagueness.

I hope this makes sense. I also have not attained to being perfect so grace is given to others.
Thank you,
UBJ3kvP1 is offline


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