Thread: Do Not Kill?
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Old 06-01-2012, 10:34 AM   #38

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Hey there, Stefos. And yes it does. It makes alot of sense. Your right, there is a big difference between murder and killing. Murder is what was done to the holocaust victims, killing is what was done to the men who did it to them, the Nazis.

"Clarity on whether something is killing or murder is necessary as this world is simply rampant with this type of vagueness."

Exactly. That is why I created this thread. Because as a Buddhist, I will not kill a single thing should I be able to help it, and try to resolve any and all conflicts in a peaceful manner, but as a realist and logical man, I understand that people like Islamic Terrorists and the past Nazis are people who have to be fought back with violence, sadly, because that is the 'only possible option left'. I made this thread to sort of challenge the minds of the many Buddhists here, or perhaps maybe I would be shown wrong? But it is just too unlikely to think that the Buddha had meant absolutely no killing, when there really just are times that it is absolutely necessary for the better of the whole of the Human Species. We can't allow people like this to continue on, we must come together to stop tragedies such as this, and obviously peaceful protest and non-violent action will not work, and only when every alternative is explored, which those alternatives for most of the terrorists/murderers today have been explored, there is only one option left, the death and/or imprisonment of them, for the better of the majority, for the defense of the helpless.

"Meat consumption is NOW not a necessity any more as alternate forms of food exist which provide the nutrition of meat."

Yeah, but sure is a hell of alot cheaper then eating vegetarian, sadly. Here in america at least. It is cheaper here probably to eat McDonalds then it is a pure vegetarian/healthy diet.
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