Literal Interpretation or Metaphor ?
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05-05-2012, 11:30 PM
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Oct 2005
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Whether or not they are metaphors, there are certain teachings that seem to be catered to different audiences. For example, for some time I was perplexed by the Buddha's statement to Ven. Anuruddha in the Nalakapana Sutta, which seems to suggest a useful metaphorical aspect to rebirth teachings.
Nalakapana Sutta (MN 68)
"So, Anuruddha, it is not for the purpose of scheming to deceive people or for the purpose of flattering people or for the purpose of gain, honour, and renown, or with the thought "let people know me to be thus", that when a disciple has died, the Tathagata declares his reappearance thus "so-and-so has reappeared in such-and-such a place". Rather, it is because there are faithful clansmen inspired and gladdened by what is lofty, who when they hear that, direct their minds to such a state, and that leads to their welfare and happiness for a long time"
The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha
, trans. Bhikkhu Bodhi, page 571 Regardless of whether rebirth is literal (post-mortem) or metaphorical (moment-to-moment), it is helpful for some to believe in it.
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