Understanding of Anatta
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04-06-2012, 01:38 AM
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Oct 2005
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This is how i see it.
The body starts by a sperm cell meets and penetrates an egg (both the egg and the sperm are the outside). The fetus feeds from the umilical cord (which is also the outside), then a new human body comes to the outside. She breathes the air (the outside), she drinks water (the outside). She eats food (the outside). The eyes sees the outside, the ears hear the outside, the nose smells the outside and the body senses the outside. And when we die, it goes back to where it belong (the outside) Consequently, the body itself is the outside!
Same thing in relation to the mind. When the child is born, she is not aware of herself yet! When the baby girl open her eyes she sees the mother and when the mother smiles then she becomes aware of herself. This awarness is a reflected awarness. She is not aware of who she is, but of what her mother thinks about her. When the mother smile the baby feels good, but if the mother shout at her then the baby cry. When the baby grow up and go to school, if she is the top of the class then her mother and father give her a gift (then the ego/mind becomes happy) but if she fails in her exam she will be punished (the ego mind becomes unhappy) and this is what the ego/mind is: a mere reflection/mirror of the outside. The more experience and feed back is added to it, the more complex it becomes. It cant be self.
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