Why Buddhists Should Support Marriage Equality
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04-03-2012, 01:03 PM
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Oct 2005
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Nowadays, we educate the girls to refuse being women and mothers, and the boys to be unable as men and fathers. The modern education causes men and women to compete for each other's work, under the banner of human rights, so that everybody ends up sexless or neutered. Among married couples, there are the most ridiculous arguments over who will be the elephant’s front legs (leader) and who the hind legs (follower). This problem did not exist among our ancestors who ate the single bowl of sauce. They left matters in accordance with idappaccayata, the law of interdependent conditionality; each family could agree on who was most suitable to play which role.
We must have the kind of education that does not lead to men and women taking work from each other. Let women have the livelihood of mothers and men the livelihood of fathers. The father takes on the burden of providing for the family so that the mother does not have to work outside the home. If she has some income generating work, she does it at home. This enables her to take care of the children fully, bringing them up to be good human beings and good citizens who will not bring tears to their parents’ eyes. The world, then, will have peace because its citizenry is fitting. The children will be brought up correctly, so that both the boys and the girls are unselfish. There will be no sexually stimulating and provocative activities, such as the sexually oriented beauty contests that encourage shamelessness among both contestants and spectators. Such activities represents the worst kind of selfishness, for it erodes morality and trains young people to become slaves of defilement, thus becoming a menace to society and harming themselves in the process.
A Single Bowl of Sauce Solves All the World’s Problems
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