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Old 04-03-2012, 02:55 PM   #40

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Oct 2005
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Hello Deshy,

The natural law theory of ethics distinguish between "efficient causes" and "final causes". An efficient cause is what gets things done, a final cause is the end product. If i take a piece of wood and crave it into a statue, the efficient cause is the knife that i use, but the final cause is the image that i seek to create. According to this theory, its the "final cause" that determines what is "good".

You asked me to look at nature and it seems to me that we have a very different view on nature. When i look at nature, i see most other animals make sex during the mating season , most animals take only what is necessary for their survival, only modern humans (unfortunately) are the ones who take more than what is necessary (even in sex) hence our planet is in a big danger!! And i dont think nature has given us the sexual desire to go and sleep around seeking pleasure, but for the survival of our species, hence the sexual act itself is the efficient cause and breeding is the final cause. I thought our purpose on the planet from a purely biological perspective is to pass on our genes!!!

You described the sexual pleasures of homosexuals as harmless. However, on the physical level, homosexuals are more vulnerable to STDs. In addition, some homosexual activities such as "anal intercourse" are not healthy and can cause diseases and bacterial infections.

In my opinion, there are many things in life that cannot be understood if its taken our of its emotional and socail context. For example, when you invite a friend for dinner, you are doing so because you want to boost her protien level!! You do it because it has an emotional/socail meaning. Same thing can be said about sexual relationships. If you date someone and you dont sleep with him/her is totally different when sex becomes involved. In most cases, it takes the whole relationship to a new level:

1- It might create expectatons (of fidelity for example) and what is suffering but the gap between expectations and reality
2- It causes attachment
3- It causes possessivness

The abovementioned feelings of expectations, attachments and possessivness are causes of suffering. However, its given to us by nature so that we make families. The existence of families is necessary for the well being of childerns and the development of society. In a hetrosexual relationship all this suffering can lead to something positive which is the birth of a new human being (as you know, the human realm is the only one where you get the chance to be liberated). However, in a homosexual relationship its only suffering with nothing in return!!!

Finally, please note that all the above does not necessarily reflect my personal point of view, i am only trying to show that the Dalia Lama's point of view is not as irrational as some people think, thats all.

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