How to take the right path of action, everytime-- guaranteed !
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01-05-2012, 09:04 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Shape up or ship what my ex boss lives by...and she has shown many the door and will not hesitate to do more.
Back when I was rank and file, I learned responsibility and discipline.
Years on, as a manager, it's an ongoing process I live by and enforce at work.
My own mission statement: when organisations and individuals won't move on, plwk moves.
A thought here...
Then Kesi the horsetrainer went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, having bowed down, sat to one side.
As he was sitting there, the Blessed One said to him:
"You, Kesi, are a trained man, a trainer of tamable horses. And how do you train a tamable horse?"
"Lord, I train a tamable horse [sometimes] with gentleness, [sometimes] with harshness, [sometimes] with both gentleness & harshness."
"And if a tamable horse doesn't submit either to a mild training or to a harsh training or to a mild & harsh training, Kesi, what do you do?"
"If a tamable horse doesn't submit either to a mild training or to a harsh training or to a mild and harsh training, Lord, then I kill it.
Why is that? [I think:] 'Don't let this be a disgrace to my lineage of teachers.'
But the Blessed One, Lord, is the unexcelled trainer of tamable people. How do you train a tamable person?"
"Kesi, I train a tamable person [sometimes] with gentleness, [sometimes] with harshness, [sometimes] with both gentleness & harshness.
"And if a tamable person doesn't submit either to a mild training or to a harsh training or to a mild & harsh training, what do You do?"
"If a tamable person doesn't submit either to a mild training or to a harsh training or to a mild & harsh training, then I kill him, Kesi."
"But it's not proper for our Blessed One to take life! And yet the Blessed One just said, 'I kill him, Kesi.'"
"It is true, Kesi, that it's not proper for a Tathagata to take life.
But if a tamable person doesn't submit either to a mild training or to a harsh training or to a mild & harsh training, then the Tathagata doesn't regard him as being worth speaking to or admonishing. His knowledgeable fellows in the holy life don't regard him as being worth speaking to or admonishing.
This is what it means to be totally destroyed in the Doctrine & Discipline, when the Tathagata doesn't regard one as being worth speaking to or admonishing, and one's knowledgeable fellows in the holy life don't regard one as being worth speaking to or admonishing."
"Yes, Lord, wouldn't one be totally destroyed if the Tathagata doesn't regard one as being worth speaking to or admonishing, and one's knowledgeable fellows in the holy life don't regard one as being worth speaking to or admonishing!
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