The difficult one!
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01-28-2012, 06:37 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Attachment is not dukkha, first of all one should know this truth.
Attachment is the "tightening" of the mind; the grasping. I can only suggest to practise rather than consider oneself to be a teacher or guru.
Attachments in reality and mostly are enjoyable, Pleasure (
sukha vedana
) is what people enjoy, rather than attachments (
). When pleasure floods the mind, the attachment is not easy to discern.
Therefore if Buddha has said that attachment was dukkha, this can not be right. The Buddha said in many places attachment is dukkha. The Buddha was right.
Because mostly all the attachments give pleasure. That's why people attach themselves to these... Pleasure gives pleasure (rather than attachment). People attachment themselves to pleasurable feelings. People do not attachment themself to attachments.
But if you have these pleasure for a long time at the end they will show their result as a dukkha. For insatance take gambling or drug addiction etc ... The dukkha is in the pleasure. When pleasure arises, so does craving & attachment (which is
oppressive & restrictive
Please reflect. If a person needs a drug but cannot find any, this is oppressive, this is frustrating. This oppression & frustration is craving.
So when the person is successful at finding a drug, when the pleasure arises, the craving is also there. But the oppression of the craving cannot be felt due to the strength & flood of the pleasure.
The only reason why one acts to take drugs is because of the oppression, force & drive of the craving.
The only reason why the euphoria of drugs is a release is because the oppression of the craving is suppressed or covered over.
Kind regards
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