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Old 01-07-2012, 04:44 AM   #20

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If one repeats Buddha's four noble truths, the following can be summarised:

1. Life means suffering.

2. The origin of suffering is attachment.

3. The cessation of suffering is attainable.

4. The path to the cessation of suffering.

Now, if the origin of the suffering is attachment, this always is not correct. Because people born with a birth defect shall suffer forever. Say he, or she is a deaf person, or a blind person, or having no legs or no hands etc.

This person did not have any attachment to cause this sort of a suffering. This is what I am trying to indicate. Buddha was a humanbeing and he must have been mistaken too. No one is perfect. If you believe that Sakyamuni Buddha was a perfect person. That might be your belief but, it can't be factual.
the Four Noble Truths are as follows:

1. Attachment to the five aggregates is suffering

2. The origin of suffering is the arising of craving

3. The cessation of suffering is the cessation of craving

4. The Noble Eightfold Path is the way to the cessation of craving

If people with a birth defect can realise the Four Noble Truths, they will cease to suffer

Physical sickness, injury or deformity is not suffering

When the Buddha was dying his body had great pain & sickness but his mind did not suffer

If we are interested in learning about Buddhism, the following scripture is a clear explanation of suffering & its cessation

Kind regards

The householder Nakulapita went to the Blessed One and on arrival, having bowed down to him, sat to one side. As he was sitting there he said to the Blessed One: "Lord, I am a feeble old man, aged, advanced in years, having come to the last stage of life. I am afflicted in body & ailing with every moment. May the Blessed One teach me, may the Blessed One instruct me, for my long-term benefit & happiness."

So it is, householder. So it is. The body is afflicted, weak & encumbered. For who, looking after this body, would claim even a moment of true health, except through sheer foolishness? So you should train yourself: 'Even though I may be afflicted in body, my mind will be unafflicted.' That is how you should train yourself.

..... more, at the link

And how is one afflicted in body but unafflicted in mind?

He does not assume the body to be the self or the self as possessing body or the body as in the self or the self as in the body. He is not seized with the idea that 'I am the body' or 'The body is mine.' As he is not seized with these ideas, when the body changes & alters, he does not fall into sorrow, lamentation, pain, distress or despair over its change & alteration.

He does not assume feeling to be the self or the self as possessing feeling or feeling as in the self or the self as in feeling . He is not seized with the idea that 'I am feeling' or 'feeling is mine.' As he is not seized with these ideas, when feeling changes & alters, he does not fall into sorrow, lamentation, pain, distress or despair over its change & alteration.
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