Buddhism and LGBT
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12-27-2011, 03:09 AM
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Oct 2005
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This is just speculation unless you can find a specific quote from him.
Yes. In the first passage excerpted, he is quoted as saying:
in the past people were "employed" or "engaged" (Thai: jang) by nature in the "work" (Thai: ngan) of reproducing the species, but people now "cheat" nature by using contraception and having sex without being engaged in the work of reproduction. He maintains that this "cheating," i.e. engaging in sex for pleasure rather than reproduction, is "paid back" because it causes problems such as nervous disorders, madness and physical deformities. In the second passage, he writes:
(Female and male are) the distinguishing marks and signs of certain duties which Nature has assigned to human beings: duties which must be performed co-operatively, in partnership. Female and male have nothing to do with the exchange and consumption of sexual flavors. Rather, they point to the fact that human beings must exist in the world and that the species must not become extinct. The message is clear: only reproductive sex is valid; anything else is the "consumption of sexual flavors" and hence unwholesome.
So yes perhaps he is ok with LGBT relationships as long as the partners do not engage in sexual activity.
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