Another simple question
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01-14-2012, 03:36 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
'The six
media should be known.' Thus was it said. In reference to what was it said? The form-medium, the sound-medium, the aroma-medium, the flavor-medium, the tactile sensation-medium, the dhammas-medium. 'The six external media should be known.' Thus was it said. And in reference to this was it said. This is the second sextet.
The Six Sextets
Monks, I will teach you the All. Listen & pay close attention. I will speak.
"As you say, lord," the monks responded.
The Blessed One said: "What is the All? Simply the eye & forms, ear & sounds, nose & aromas, tongue & flavors, body & tactile sensations, mind base & dhammas. This, monks, is called the All. Anyone who would say: 'Repudiating this All, I will describe another,' if questioned on what exactly might be the grounds for his statement, would be unable to explain and furthermore, would be put to grief. Why? Because it lies beyond range."
Sabba Sutta: The All
Dependent on eye & forms, eye-consciousness arises. The meeting of the three is contact. With contact as a requisite condition, there is feeling. What one feels, one perceives (labels in the mind). What one perceives, one thinks about. What one thinks about, one proliferates (
) . Based on what a person proliferates, the perceptions & categories of proliferation (
) assail him/her with regard to past, present & future forms cognizable via the eye.
Dependent on ear & sounds, ear-consciousness arises...
Dependent on nose & aromas, nose-consciousness arises...
Dependent on tongue & flavors, tongue-consciousness arises...
Dependent on body & tactile sensations, body-consciousness arises...
Dependent on mind base & dhammas, mind-consciousness arises. The meeting of the three is contact. With contact as a requisite condition, there is feeling. What one feels, one perceives (labels in the mind). What one perceives, one thinks about. What one thinks about, one proliferates. Based on what a person proliferates, the perceptions & categories of proliferation assail him/her with regard to past, present & future dhammas cognizable via the mind base.
Madhupindika Sutta
It is shown above "The All" is not a creation of thought formation (
sankhara khandha
) or thought proliferation (
This also shows
in Dependent Origination does not refer to the activity of
sankhara khandha
described in MN 18.
MN 44 states the
kaya sankhara
, one of the 2nd conditions of Dependent Origination, is the in & out breathing. The in & out breathing is not a creation of
sankhara khandha
(thought formation).
Kind regards
In-&-out breaths are the bodily fabricator (
kaya sankhara
MN 44
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