I understand sankhara as mental proliferation. Also, sankhara happens when we do not "see" or acknowledge that all conditioned things leads to Dukkha, because of its impermanent nature. tjampel, I suggest to have a look to a series of different threads at the Theravada Buddhism Forum related to some fundamental issues about the teachings of Buddha and commented by Element in a very accessible way, here. I don't know why "randomness of nature" is so hard to see. Humans can control some aspects of nature but a huge proportion of it can't be under absolute control. Anyway, the issue of randomness can fit better in the tea room, tj. What really matters is that Buddha taught about how to cope with life happenings. Things happen, things like: gain, loss, etc., Reasons are many but what is important is the mental state toward such happenings: Isn't the given quote a deeper realization? Kind Wishes,