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Old 11-01-2011, 07:17 AM   #11

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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Hi All,

It has been said that the Buddha gave 84,000 Teachings to ensure that every Human Being has access to the Dharma Teachings in a way thay can benefit them.

Regardless of the exact number, which I personaly feel is irrelevent as an exact count, it is clear that the overall goal was to free all beings from the suffering of Samsara.

With this in mind there is no point in being critical of any other persons choice of which School or Teachings they choose to follow. Sadly, as with every other aspect of existance in Samsara attachment tends to rear its head and lead people into debate and disagreement as opposed to a respectful wish to learn about a different form of the Buddhist Teachings without a concern over what is "authentic" or "Historicaly Correct"

With some minor execptions as to the benifit of specific Practices I have never heard any of the High Lamas / Masters of any of the Buddist Schools state that another School "yana " etc is a wrong view. Most, if not all, of the discord appears to stem from students defending their turf as opposed to focusing on thier own authentic faith and Practices.

While very much a newbie here at BWB, many of the threads here have been very interesting and showed me a POV that is different from my own and for this I have great respect and gratitude for all of the people that have contributed. I hope to continue to learn from all of the Members of the Forum and hope that some of the recent threads about what Schools are "correct" can be resolved.

All the Best.
dear karma yeshe ,

very nicely said ,

I have just arrived here , and to see a post devoted to disscusson on disschord and schysms , I nearly un registered .
however I am a very tollerant person so have persevered ...... to hear someone new speaking so evenly is very refreshing .

I remember many years back being given a teaching on the 84,000 deluded states of mind identified by the buddha , upon which he gave the 84,000 teachings ,
from this I think we might learn a little caution and humillity ,

can I even count to 84,000 ? no probably not , let alone remember all the teachings ?
yet we can remember three , ......attatchment , anger , ignorance ,
and then be mindfull to apply the antidote practices , generosity , patience and wisdom .
generosity in allowing another his oppinion , patience in letting him find his own way , and wisdom in knowing how to help him rather than argue with him !

so yes , I second karma yeshe 's sentiments and hope that as he says these squables "can be resolved "before we disscredit a noble tradition.

namaskars ratikala
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