dear karma yeshe , very nicely said , I have just arrived here , and to see a post devoted to disscusson on disschord and schysms , I nearly un registered . however I am a very tollerant person so have persevered ...... to hear someone new speaking so evenly is very refreshing . I remember many years back being given a teaching on the 84,000 deluded states of mind identified by the buddha , upon which he gave the 84,000 teachings , from this I think we might learn a little caution and humillity , can I even count to 84,000 ? no probably not , let alone remember all the teachings ? yet we can remember three , ......attatchment , anger , ignorance , and then be mindfull to apply the antidote practices , generosity , patience and wisdom . generosity in allowing another his oppinion , patience in letting him find his own way , and wisdom in knowing how to help him rather than argue with him ! so yes , I second karma yeshe 's sentiments and hope that as he says these squables "can be resolved "before we disscredit a noble tradition. namaskars ratikala