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Old 11-23-2011, 07:31 AM   #24

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Oct 2005
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Hi Aloka-D,

Conventionally Dependent Origination is considered in interpretations, to be over 3 lifetimes. Personally I prefer the momentary or one lifetime version. However I won't go into that because there are plenty of references in the Theravada forum.
Oh, really? I am not aware that there are people who consider Dependent Origination to cover 3 lifetimes. To me, Dependent Origination is happening constantly all the time for everything as we speak. I mean, I could get thirsty and go get a drink of water.

I guess I'll look over the Theravada forum.

It's my opinion that a genuine experiential understanding of sunnata (emptiness) is arrived at not through complex debate, nor through spacing out in an emptiness la-la land, but through simple analysis, together with regular meditation practice - and the purification of mental obscurations......
I agree that it is important to experience sunyata, but in my mind, if I don't know what sunyata is, how do I know what I have experienced is sunyata or something else?

We probably have a basic difference in our understanding of sunyata, but I guess that's OK. it will just mean that we will end up in difference places and via different paths.
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