Karma discussion - split topic from 'Unity of Faiths'
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11-13-2011, 05:03 PM
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Oct 2005
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It is about intention - as Element, who has expressed it, online, here, in the past , far better than I suspect I will ever be able to explain, the Lord Buddha first gave such type of teachings - and as you recognise they do indeed have a moral focus.
The important factor is, that in what ever tradition of Buddhism we chose to practice, it is about our individual experiences.
In the Lonaphala Sutta - The Salt Crystal, the Buddha compared actions of an individual who commits an evil deed with their mind still undeveloped in regards to virtue and discernment to a glass of water. As there's little development in the mind of such an individual, this one act which has some bad effect will be like a salt crystal that's then dropped into that glass of water and subsequently the water becomes undrinkable.
He then compares the actions of another individual who commits the same deed with a mind that is well trained — a mind developed in ability to see virtue, discernment - as I say, that can see the big picture — it is like a river rather than a glass of water.
Due to development in the mind of this individual, that one act is like the same salt crystal being dropped into a big river, rather than the glass of water and subsequently the water doesn't become undrinkable.
The first individual , due to their acumulative actions, goes to a bad destination whereas the later person experiences the resulting pollutant for barely a moment in the here and now -
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