Karma discussion - split topic from 'Unity of Faiths'
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11-14-2011, 12:41 AM
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Oct 2005
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from the Buddhist perspective, rebirth is bad aspect of samsara.
I remembered something from Ajahn Sumedho's book 'Don't take your life personally' and so I looked it up........
"Hardly ever are we fully appreciative or tuned in to the reality of life as we are experiencing it; and during the ending of something we usually start planning our next move so we don't fully experience ending and separating.
This is the
(round of rebirth) tendency of attachment. When you become bored - and you don't observe boredom unless you are practising mindfulness - you seek something interesting or exciting, or at least something to attract your attention from the boredom of the present moment. Life is a process of searching for rebirth in this way, a continuous sense of being reborn again into some new thing, something that interests you."
"The word rebirth doesn't necessarily mean physical rebirth - being born again in the next life - it can mean the mental rebirths that are so ordinary we don't even notice them. As soon as life becomes boring or unpleasant, we seek rebirth into something else."
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