fear of death
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10-24-2011, 08:36 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Just sharing . Sir , not just you going to die ....infact all of the member here , all the animal as far as one can see , all the trees as far as one could imagine is dieing..........the fact is all going to die .
Frankly I fear death since aged 10 and until now I still fear death ..........perhaps not as much as 32 years ago but more fear death on my loved one .
Sir , in my current view , Buddhism is a search to understand & know "ownself" by being awake . "myself" is all my awareness like desire , love , emotions , compassion that aged me in Buddhism and I call it as "mylife".
All my awareness infact caused suffering to me as "mylife" is full of suffering as "mylife" is actually a pollutant against the pure , original energy of emptiness .
My love for mylife , for my world , love for my family , desire to continue living CAUSE suffering to me as I must learn to free " mylife" from all my emotions...that is the purpose of "mylife".
Not to ' be alive" but learn to " free from life".
in Buddhism that I currently aware , life is not a start and death is not the end as one will continue this process of learning untill free of all the pollutant .
buddhism is very easy to understand but as human that still full of desire , greed is still very-very difficult for me to really accept death , as I am here to learn .
Perhaps by constant accepting I am a pollutant and in a constant learning process that involve birth & death as part of the process to be pure .....I could ease some of the fear .
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