Discord, schisms and separations
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10-30-2011, 05:04 AM
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Oct 2005
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The discord, schisms and separations in the religions...
quoted below is what appears to be an idiosyncratic view about what the Buddha taught:
What should a lay person study?
WE SHOULD NOT waste time thinking out our own answer. If anyone wants to have his own ideas, well and good, there is nothing to stop him. But if we are to answer in accordance with what the Buddha taught, then we must say, “Lay people should study all the suttantas, that is, the discourses of the Tathāgata about suņņatā (emptiness).”
Bhikkhu Buddhadasa
now, it seems the Buddha did not exactly teach what Bhikkhu Buddhadasa asserted he taught
Bhikkhu Buddhadasa here seems to be referring to
one sole passage
in the entire Pali Cannon, found at SN 55.53 (no link)
NOTE: as a 'sole passage', it can easily be rejected on the basis of the Great Standards
in SN 55.53, some laypeople asked the Buddha an open question: "Instruct us in a way that may lead to our welfare & happiness for a long time"
the Buddha replied: "from time to time, enter and dwell upon
discourses that are connected with emptiness"
the laypeople replied: "Venerable Sir, this is not easy for us because we dwell in homes crowded with children, enjoying sensual pleasures, etc. But we are established in the five precepts"
the Buddha replied: "therefore, you should train yourself to possess confirmed confidence in the Buddha, Dhamma & Sangha and virtues that lead to concentration"
so, to end, what the Buddha taught here seems to not really be what Bhikkhu Buddhadasa said the Buddha taught
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