Rites and Rituals
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07-23-2011, 10:04 PM
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Nov 2005
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Absolutely agree with Ajahn Buddhadasa. Into what many people really get hooked is to rites and rituals. Those give the sense of "something" happening by real which is at the root of superstitious thought and thus the path to religion and believes. Rites and Rituals are not needed, nor asked to be performed by the historical Buddha but in a world needed of a "given" meaning (by a guru, school, tradition), not being able to look at it by our own means, rites and rituals seem to endure, still, for some more time between us.
But it is not just about religious believe. Rites and Rituals are everywhere. The modern advanced technological culture of the westernized mind has, too, a sort of rites and rituals all the time. It is a tribal heritage. We have rites and rituals also when someone has won a prize or has reached a further academic level. It is the endlessly wandering of mind craving for becoming.
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