...Philosophy is about problems, doing problems, finding problems and increasing problems as the main amusement of mind. The teachings of the historical Buddha are about facts and solutions
...Now, why do people with, existential worries or concerns and intellectual curiosity tend to look at the teachings of the historical Buddha as a philosophical essay?
...Philosophy is essentially so entangled that it can take the teachings of the historical Buddha as its formal object and thus the confusion of the teachings of the historical Buddha as a philosophical endeavor.
Philosophy can kidnap the entire teaching of the historical Buddha because it does that by nature
An example of this can be the Mahayana (philosophical) religion.
But the teachings of the historical Buddha are not an object
Philosophy is about cleverness.
Nietzsche...died full of bitterness and existential stress???
Just imagine that one is set in prison for the rest of her/his life. Suddenly happens that from this prison an inmate has escaped and she/he left somewhere the detailed instructions for escaping from that same prison (at any time, for any moment at any place of the prision). Another inmate has the fortune to found them; instead of doing the proper hole in the wall, flowing the instructions, starts to talk with the wall asking to it about what is the meaning of a hole in it and imagining the hole in it, and struggling with such ideas... Will she/he ever escape from there...? I don't think so.