The Law of Contradiction, Otherness and Excluded Middle
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06-07-2011, 03:37 AM
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Oct 2005
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Contradiction can be conceived in its logical or dynamic forms. View logically it is a complete mutual exclusion such as e.g., blue and non-blue. They can co-exist in close proximity with each other without interference with each others’ existence. This mutual exclusion can also be referred to as the Law of Excluded Middle. The
of the Excluded Middle, rather. This sort of irrelevant sophistry simply
in the dualism it attempts to deny. Although it has no relevance at all to the Buddha's teachings, "blue" is a range of colors and hues in a spectrum, and can range from extremely pale, almost white, to extremely dark, almost black, with variations from roughly teal to indigo. To assert, "there is blue, and there is not-blue", and to cite a mythical "Lew of the Excluded middle" to support such a claim, is an abject absurdity. And to attempt to impress such illogical assertions onto the Buddhadhamma and make comparisons and inferences about the Buddhadhamma in reference to these assertions is simply delusion.
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