Can Meditation Cure Disease ?
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01-23-2011, 09:38 PM
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Oct 2005
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Hi Plogsties
How refreshing to hear this from you, a retired doctor. I have long suspected that the things you say are so. It is our own responsibility, each of us, to look after our health. Too many people abuse their bodies in so many ways e.g with excess eating, excess alcohol, smoking etc and then expect doctors to put it right with a pill. If we live right and find the right healthy balance for ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually, then we can avoid so much illness. It is certainly hard to find that balance and it requires thought, but the rewards are wonderful. I can say at my age I feel much better than I did 10 years ago when I did lots of mindless things! By cutting out sugar, lowering salt, avoiding caffeine, avoiding all vitamin supplements (I used to take loads) and by eating more wholesomely I now get very few headaches and feel good generally.
I think meditation in combination with excellent diet and mindful living can give truly good results. As for serious conditions, it may go a long way towards curing them sometimes but chances are the disease has progressed for a long time so is irreversible. It is interesting how you say such a high percentage of ills need no treatment, only time. This supports my belief that the human body will always strive towards good health and will put up with quite a lot before it breaks down.
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