I prefer the original stuff. Further I flatly reject the pejorative term 'Hinayana' when applied to a whole school of Buddhism. Following my teacher, [Buddhadasa Bhikkhu] I aspire to 'Buddhayana' and take the Pali suttas as the primary starting point for discovering it. My affection for the Pali suttas is not at the expense of so-called 'Mahayana sutras'. In fact, I find Buddhayana there as well. Often, I discover vibrant echos of the Pali suttas in classic Mahayana texts such as Shantideva's 'Bodhicaryavatara' and Hui Neng's 'Platform Sutra'. In many cases Mahayana sutras contain direct copies and paraphrases of Pali texts. To illustrate this and to highlight the convergence of core Buddhism or Buddhayana, I offer a detailed look at the Heart Sutra."