Rebirth as a morality teaching
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12-25-2010, 03:40 AM
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Oct 2005
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Suttas that are relevant
Thanks Craig,
I really have found this one usefull for the practice of Buddhadhamma. It seems to be clear and well grounded avoiding any sort of metaphysical speculation; even when the speculation of rebirth could be found elegant, beautiful and congruent it is a speculation and because of it, useless for a grounded here and now practice of the teachings:
"These four types of action have been understood, realized, & made known by me. Which four? There is action that is dark with dark result; action that is white with white result; action that is dark & white with dark & white result; and action that is neither dark nor white with neither dark nor white result, leading to the ending of action.
"And what is action that is dark with dark result? There is the case where a certain person fabricates an injurious bodily fabrication... an injurious verbal fabrication... an injurious mental fabrication... He rearises in an injurious world where he is touched by injurious contacts... He experiences feelings that are exclusively painful, like those of the beings in hell. This is called action that is dark with dark result.
"And what is action that is white with white result? There is the case where a certain person fabricates an uninjurious bodily fabrication... an uninjurious verbal fabrication... an uninjurious mental fabrication... He rearises in an uninjurious world where he is touched by uninjurious contacts... He experiences feelings that are exclusively pleasant, like those of the Ever-radiant Devas. This is called kamma that is white with white result.
"And what is action that is dark & white with dark & white result? There is the case where a certain person fabricates a bodily fabrication that is injurious & uninjurious... a verbal fabrication that is injurious & uninjurious... a mental fabrication that is injurious & uninjurious... He rearises in an injurious & uninjurious world where he is touched by injurious & uninjurious contacts... He experiences injurious & uninjurious feelings, pleasure mingled with pain, like those of human beings, some devas, and some beings in the lower realms. This is called kamma that is dark & white with dark & white result.
"And what is action that is neither dark nor white with neither dark nor white result, leading to the ending of action? The intention right there to abandon this action that is dark with dark result... this action that is white with white result... this action that is dark & white with dark & white result. This is called action that is neither dark nor white with neither dark nor white result, leading to the ending of action."
— AN 4.232 Through the sutta we can read the phrase "He rearises in an [the condition] world..." followed by the experiences of that mental condition that has been established in the mind... that is what is most important for the practice of the teachings of the historical Buddha. The here and now rearise of our mental defilements.
Isn't this clear enough to practice?
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