I agree the ego is a "virtual reality" conditioned in the mind by acquired opinions, beliefs, attitudes, etc. However, there are also inherent or in-born tendencies (anusaya) or drives, which are more primal than views & opinions. Tendencies like sensual desire, reproductive instinct, the will to live, etc. These things can also condition ego in the mind.
Of 'beings' ('satta'), on the level of ultimate reality, the Theravada scriptures appear to share your point of view: Ven. Radha went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, having bowed down to him, sat to one side. As he was sitting there, he said to the Blessed One: "'A being,' lord. 'A being,' it's said. To what extent is one said to be 'a being'?" Satto, satto’ti, bhante, vuccati. Kittāvatā nu kho, bhante , sattoti vuccatī’’ti? "Any desire, passion, delight or craving for form, Radha: when one is caught up there, tied up there, one is said to be 'a being.' "Any desire, passion, delight or craving for feeling... perception... fabrications... "Any desire, passion, delight or craving for consciousness, Radha: when one is caught up there, tied up there, one is said to be 'a being.' Satta Sutta: A Being
I'm not sure how you have arrived at your interpretation of 'sentient beings'.
I'd prefer it if you just used the regular font in your posts, Pugdala, please, because its easier to read and I get visual disturbances and migraine with certain kinds of computer font - bold in particular - I'm also finding the bright colors are troublesome for my eyes too when I try to read them. When I get visual disturbances I see wavy lines and zig-zags wherever I look -and my vision is badly affected for quite a while. Many thanks for your consideration,
To continue with the topic.... Could you say more about the above statement in relation to the Bodhisattva vow, with references to illustrate your point, please ? What, for you, is the point of the Bodhisattva vow?