Buddhist reflections on death and rebirth
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10-27-2010, 04:45 PM
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Oct 2005
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Man consists of mind and body and from a Buddhist standpoint what happens at death is that the physical body ceases to function. But what happens to the mind which is the other part of man? The mind is a flow of thoughts. It has no location in the physical body and the Buddha did not indicate where the mind is actually located. This is also a problem since it seems to expouse a view of the mind/counsciouness which can exist independtly of a physical body. This is not what Buddha taught. He said there can be no counsciouness without
Base of contact
External form
Contact between them
So for example you have
External form (flower)
Contact between them
which then gives rise to visual counsiouness. However in the above view counsciousness can just float around regardless of these three things, somehow independent.
Another issue is that this independence would make counsciousness eternal, since its outside of conditionality (if it were in it then it would have to adhere to the Buddhas criteria above). This smells a little Atmanish to me
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