How does Theravada Buddhism differ from other Schools in Buddhism?
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07-29-2012, 12:55 AM
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Oct 2005
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I'm no expert and not a Theravadan, but I'll try and give an overview. Theravada is the oldest of the existing schools. It's teachings are based only upon the Pali Cannon, which are the most accurate teachings of the historical Buddha. The ultimate goal, traditionally, is to achieve liberation from suffering through nirvana. There is also a lot of emphasis on the Sangha, whereas to my understand Mahayana is more lay oriented. That's not to say one can't be a lay follower and benefit from that practice a lot, you can, it's just historically speaking there has been more of an emphasis on those who are serious about enlightenment entering monasteries and becoming monks or nuns. That may not be the case today, though, I don't know.
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