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Old 07-29-2012, 09:18 AM   #8

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Yes. Many Soto schools do not consider themselves as Mahayana but just as Zen. Having been a former Soto Zenner, I never saw any sort of relationship with Mahayana core believes.
Just out of interest, this Soto Zen temple in France describes itself as Mahayana:

"Shôkôzan Denshinji Buddhist Institution is a Buddhist Temple and a religious community in the Soto Zen tradition of Mahayana Buddhism lineage ("Great Vehicle")."

"Shôkôzan Denshinji Temple is a member of the Japanese Religious Federation SÔTÔ-SHÛ (Japanese Federation of religious organizations of temples and monasteries as well as zen-masters in the doctrinal lineage of zen-master Dogen) which is the authority of the Soto lineage in Zen Buddhism tradition" The term "Buddha Nature" is definately a Mahayana concept/core belief.

Here it is mentioned on a Soto Zen site in the UK:

We can all learn to meditate because we all have the Buddha Nature, even though it may be buried under much confusion. All beings are Buddhas and should be respected as such, whatever manner of life they may be in .
'Buddha Nature' is also mentioned here at a centre in the USA:

Soto Zen's History

Master Dogen first brought Soto Zen Buddhism to Japan. The school in China had made little showing in its early years of development. However, its popularity had greatly increased by the middle of the Sung Dynasty.

The central tenets of Chinese Soto were that all beings are born with Buddha nature and are consequently and essentially enlightened, that one can enjoy fully the bliss of Buddha nature through the practice of Zazen, that practice and enlightenment are the same, and that this practice must be internalized and carried to everyday life.

At the age of twenty-four, Dogen traveled to China and visited all of the prestigious monasteries, finally becoming a student of Ju-ching (J. Nyojo). It was there that Dogen freed himself from the illusion of ego and realized liberation. He remained in training in China for two more years before returning to his home country.
with kind wishes,

jadabaad is offline


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